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Wednesday, 6 November 2019

My thoughts

 Hey guys, I had a few thoughts on the following title as a part of my school coursework. Let me know what you think!

"The production of knowledge is always a collaborative task and never solely a product of the individual". Discuss this statement with reference to two areas of knowledge.

Progress in the pursuit of knowledge, specifically societal progress, is fueled through the production of knowledge—a process that involves the assimilation of pre-existing knowledge to create new conclusions through experimentation, theorization, and observation. Knowledge production is a paramount process in our daily lives, evidenced through the constant reinterpretation and revision of our understanding of the various branches of knowledge on a regular basis, as seen through the lenses of language, sense perception, emotion, reason, imagination, faith, intuition, and memory. Dependent on the primary method of knowledge acquisition in a specific area of knowledge, this production of knowledge can then be classified under either personal and shared knowledge. In tandem, both can be used to explore the concept of knowledge production in society, and more specifically, both can be used to question whether said production of knowledge is a consequence of individual knowledge acquisition (through the production of personal knowledge) or rather invariably, through collaborative knowledge acquisition (the production of shared knowledge). Utilizing the natural sciences and the arts as the two areas through which we can investigate our conundrum, this essay would therefore explore the extent to which the production of knowledge is collaborative in the natural sciences and the arts.

Monday, 2 September 2019

Snap Series #1- Sky Views

Personally, one of the things I like to click the most are pictures of the sky! These are some of my favorites... let me know which ones you like in the comments!

Monday, 10 June 2019

In a Snap


The summer's up and kicking, and I thought I'd experiment with a new series on the blog, which I've decided to title - "In a Snap". As hinted, this is going to primarily be dedicated towards sharing glimpses of, well - mostly unrelated and mundane things while trying to exhibit my hobby for photography. I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

My First YouTube video!

Hey guys!

I've been composing music for a while now, and I recently decided to post them on a new YouTube channel I created! Posting the video below. I hope you enjoy it! The theme for this one is War.

Please drop a like, subscribe, and hit that notification bell icon for future updates! Don't forget to leave your feedback in the comment section!

Monday, 14 January 2019

The Big Picture

Imagine yourself, looking through a camera lens. You can see a flamboyant flower, with rich and vivid colors. You look closer, and you can see a slightly dull and lifeless background, but you’re perfectly happy with the image of your flower, and thereby ignore the background. Now imagine, someone starts to turn your lens and zoom out. You get worried, because you loved the image of your flower, and are uncertain if you’ll ever find the same shot again. You peer in and look now. The image is extremely clouded and distorted, with most details of the scenery ambiguous to your eyes. Your flower’s still there, but it is but a tiny speck, in your frame. You realize there’s nothing you can do, except maybe look at the flower from a different angle. A different perspective.

Think of your lives, as the big picture. The ultimate summation of all your memories, experiences, and impact, all represented by an image. When we’re born, we notice and understand little. We make do with the most minimal of resources. That can be perceived as us looking at an image through a camera which has been zoomed in to the maximum. We see nothing but maybe, the grass beside our flower, or it’s stem. As we get older we start to realize that our camera starts zooming out, showing us several more details. We may start to notice, that several things we held important in our past, are just small details in our now. Our present. Everything in our life until now has contributed to the present. 

My new book- It all started with a flashback