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Sunday, 20 December 2015

My Paintings and my Sketches

Hey Guys!
These are few of the drawings I have been making during my vacations.
Hope you like them...

Sketch of an old, village man

Sketch of an Indian Monk

Painting of Santa Claus

A painting of a horse- Experimenting with different shades of brown.

A painting of a Lotus Flower

Friday, 11 December 2015


Homework, homework,
The stuff that makes our schools!
One day, it'll rot our brain,
Oh homework, why so cruel? 

With a head full of numbers, 
And a book full of text.
One can only imagine,
What we will get next?

With half an year of learning,
And an exam meeting us in the end.
We have to study hard, and with determination,
Then our mistakes, we have to mend.

Beware all teachers, for we are crafty,
And do keep open your mind.
For we will stop at nothing to make an excuse,
But do spare us, and please do be kind.

This is how life is,
So there is no need to complain.
After all, like what our teachers say, 
It'll only give us gain.


Wednesday, 9 December 2015

The Amazing World of Books

Have you ever experienced freedom,
When you can do the unknown.
When you are not being constrained,
And you have rights of your own.

Have you ever felt the breeze,
As it gently kisses your cheek?
Or have you ever felt the wind,
As it pounds you on the way up a peak?

Have you ever fought with swords,
Shining with a mighty armour?
Or have you ever fought with wands,
And forced someone in a corner?

Have you ever been a charming prince,
Or a beautiful princess?
Have you ever faced your fear,
and been courageous? 

Such can happen,
In the amazing world of books.
In a dome, full of thoughts,
Which will trap you with their hooks.

Amazingly, you won't resist,
You'll just absorb and visualize.
And when you get to a ripe, old age,
You'll be full of ideas and will be wise.


The Race of Life

Imagine you are on a race track,
With hundreds of people far and wide.
All of them who want to compete for the race,
With a great, big puff, I sighed .

Quite suddenly a figure appears,
All covered up in golden hue.
Who he was, and where he came from,
That was something, no one knew.

He raised his long and slender hand,
And the ground quietened down.
Soon when the whispers died,
There wasn't a single sound.

His hand went down,
And all hell went loose.
Everybody ran as fast as they can,
Nobody wanting to lose.

I ran as fast as I could,
Until I finally saw red.
Using my last reserves of energy,
I crossed the others, who shared the look of dread.

The man came to me,
And gently touched my head.
He delivered to me that I had won something great,
Something very great, he said.

I woke up to a warm touch,
The touch of my mothers hand.
I reached out and touched her back,
Though I felt a little sad.

While at my next moment with her,
I actually saw her face.
And this finally made me realize,
That it was worth winning that race.

This is how everyone's journey begins,
Yet it isn't the end of the trail.
You have to keep fighting and trying in life,
And you to always keep up your sail.


My new book- It all started with a flashback