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Friday, 11 December 2015


Homework, homework,
The stuff that makes our schools!
One day, it'll rot our brain,
Oh homework, why so cruel? 

With a head full of numbers, 
And a book full of text.
One can only imagine,
What we will get next?

With half an year of learning,
And an exam meeting us in the end.
We have to study hard, and with determination,
Then our mistakes, we have to mend.

Beware all teachers, for we are crafty,
And do keep open your mind.
For we will stop at nothing to make an excuse,
But do spare us, and please do be kind.

This is how life is,
So there is no need to complain.
After all, like what our teachers say, 
It'll only give us gain.



Hey guys! I absolutely love reading your comments and suggestions- So don't hesitate to do so!

My new book- It all started with a flashback