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Sunday, 29 May 2016

Some of my sketches this week...

Hey guys! Last week I promised to share with you some of the sketches that I have been working on this week, so here they are!
India's Prime Minister- Mr. Narendra Modi
A village girl performing another dance, called "Kathak"
A dancer, performing a classical dance, famously known as "Bharatanatyam"
Hope you guys enjoyed the sketches I made and have a good day!

Saturday, 28 May 2016

Saturday Snapshot- 28-05-2016

Hey guys, this is my second Saturday Snapshot! This week, I'll be showing you a few pictures of a painting that I made recently. What's special is that is sold for Rupees 3000!
Some of the other paintings along with mine on the top right corner
A close up ( I am sorry for the pictures being so hazy... )
In a nutshell, it was a great experience making the painting, and a proud, yet a bit sad one while selling it. Again, do forgive the picture quality, as it was taken while I was moving. The painting does look better in person! Thanks!

Monday, 23 May 2016

IMWAYR- 23-05-16

Hey guys! 

I have recently heard of IMWAYR from another blogger and I decided to participate in the young adult/ teen version of "It's Monday, what are you reading?". I didn't get much time to read this week, as our year-end exams were happening, but I did manage to finish the book-"The fault in our Stars", by John Green.

I loved the book a lot, and I am deciding to write a review on it, this week, or the one following it. Do look out for a review!

However, I am currently stuck at my reading status. I am uncertain of which books to read and am debating if it would be a good read. I am browsing a lot now days, but it would be great if you guys could give some suggestions in the comment section below- it would mean a lot to me. Also, I can read just about anything, as long as it is a good read, from fiction to non fiction, so don't hesitate to give some suggestions! 

Hope you have a good week!

Check out Unleashing Readers, and Teacher Mentor Texts the blogs that host this meme.

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Eureka, that's it!- 22-05-16

Hey guys, this is something I am starting on my blog called "Eureka, that's it! ", where in, every once in a while, I'll find an interesting and an informative science video and share it with you guys. However, this is something I am starting with my blog, and there would be a rarity that there would be another blogger doing this...

In today's edition, I am going to talk about the video below.

This video proves the theory that all objects falling down, fall at the same rate. For example, a cannon ball and a feather, if dropped from a same height and at the same time, will touch the ground at the same time, provided there is no air resistance.

Four centuries later, with modernized technology, it has been experimentally demonstrated. 

This video is a true eye opener and is a mind boggling experience. I hoped you enjoyed this video and found it as equally alluring as me.

If you guys do come across such video's then please do share, and paste the url in the comment section below. Thanks for visiting!

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Saturday Snapshot- 21-05-2016

Hey guys! I've started participating in "Saturday Snapshot", which is hosted by West Metro Mommy Reads. It challenges bloggers to put up a few pictures they (or their family/friends) have clicked, every Saturday. This is my first post.... looking forward to continuing to share my experiences.  

Since it has been a hectic week, I wasn't able to post some sketches that I have started working on, but catch them next week because my summer vacations have finally started!!!

This week, I am going to be sharing some pictures with you, me and my family took a few years back, when we visited the Kennedy space station.

Me next to a lunar module
An astronaut suit
A test rocket, hung in the main lobby
The launching bay
All right guys, this is all for today, please do give feedback, because like I said before, this is my first "Saturday Snapshot". I encourage you guys to enroll for the Saturday Snapshot, and if you want to, please do visit West Metro Mommy Reads, and enroll by scrolling to the bottom of any Saturday Snapshot post and registering.
Thanks again, see you later next week!!! 

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Dear little Sis...

It's so hard to explain,
What a special sister you are.
You are a special girl in this dark world,
A bright and shining star.

A special person to hold my hand,
No matter come what may.
You are a special person to laugh with me,
And help me find my way.

A special person to listen,
When I don't know what to do.
A special person to give me company,
And then help me make it through.

A special person to those you know,
Helping when there is a need,
A special person we all love,
A special little sister to me.


Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Severn Cullis Suzuki

Hey guys, It's me again! I know I am taking h-u-g-e breaks, but hopefully, I would post more recently during my summer break...
Today's objective is basically writing about my perspective on Severn Cullis's speech at the UN summit, in 1992.

Severn Cullis-Suzuki

-How she changed the world…

Severn Cullis, more commonly known as “The girl who silenced the world for 5 minutes” first spoke at the age of 12, in 1992. The founder of ECO (Environmental Children’s Organization), along with other 12 and 13 year olds, spoke in the UN Peace Summit. She spoke about how she fears her future, about how she wakes up screaming, and sleeps crying. She spoke about how the privileged, let many die just because they refuse to share, even though they have more resources than they need. She spoke about how we are slowly killing and torturing our planet.
During that time, she conveyed the message of how from the inside, all the great world leaders, Politian’s, and businessmen are mother’s and father’s, brother’s and sister’s, and are all united humans. She communicated that the adults should come up with solutions, and gift a better and safer future for her generation and generations coming after. She fought for our right to survival, and how a life is not worth an election, or a few points of the stock market. All life is precious, and needs to be saved.

She spoke about how humans cannot fix things that our gone. I interpreted it as how not everything is a machine- It can’t be fixed. When we destroy our ozone, we can’t re-build it, when we kill an animal to extinction, we can’t nurse it back to life, when we lose all the humans, we can’t regrow them. When we can’t fix them, why should we break them?

I do believe that Severn Suzuki’s speech was very influential, and inspired our young minds as well as the adults seated. I agree with all of Severn’s points, and do believe that the world we all envision, should come true.

Although after what she said, I sadly do know that it made a little difference. The majority of the population remains ignorant, as if they don’t see the Earth dying in front of there eyes. They waste, destroy and remain oblivious to the fact that if humans continue on their current path, they will eventually destroy the Earth.

We all should step up and help is sustaining in preserving our world. We must Dream, Dare and Discover, and lead humans to a better path, a better world and a better life. We will build a safer future, for our generation, and other generations to come.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Global Warming (continued)

Hey guys! Not going to write today but just wanting to share these images that came in the newspaper today, for those who missed them...

Global Warming is a real threat. Lets abolish it!

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Global Warming

Hello guys,
I know it has been very long time but school life is hectic and I have gotten carried away with things... But anyway, the reason I am writing this post is because of global warming. Now we all know what is global warming, but for those young readers who don't, it is the gradual warming of our planet, which is mainly due to human causes.

Me and my friends have been conducting an interesting experiment, to test the overall increase in heat every year. This is what we do- We take one ice cube at a time from a cooler we put in a small field near our park. We start a timer, and then toss the cube to each other. We stop the timer when the cube has melted. We do this with at least five cubes, to find the average time one cube takes to melt. On the 16th of April, we decided to do this test. We were astonished to find, that this April, the cubes lasted just 15 seconds under the sun! It is only then when we realized the harmful effects of the global warming.

For those who live in or near the metropolis of Gurgaon, you must have noticed that this April, which is usually a pleasant month, is now suffering deadly blows from a scorching sun. This phenomenon is being observed worldwide, with increasing heat, fatal storms, water scarcity and starving human's. It can no longer be "We must act against Global warming", it is now "We have to act against global warming!". Already many islands, like the islands of Maldives are threatened to be engulfed by the rising Indian Ocean. Imagine, 1200 islands of nature's finest are being destroyed because of humans.

Bhutan, which is a Carbon-Negative country- Which means that the country produces more oxygen than carbon-dioxide is suffering even though it has nothing to do with global warming.  In fact, it is doing more than enough to act against it... With rising deforestation and pollutants going out in the sea, there are many impacts on the flora and fauna as well.

Bhutan alone has 336 million metric tons of carbon in it's forest. As we all know, all life forms on earth are carbon based life forms. Carbon is the key component in all life forms present on earth.  In today's world, the way so many countries continue to cut trees - more than that can be replaced, it's giving an immense boost to the already growing global warming. Just imagine, if one forest is brought down, how much carbon would be released? As we know, that carbon boosts global warming, as it stores heat and traps it. This can cause the entire permafrost ( the dead and frozen plant material found in places like Siberia, Greenland, and Alaska) to melt down- which will release even more carbon!

We have to fix what we broke, fix the ozone, fix the unbalance in nature, fix global warming and undo everything wrong we have done. For if we won't, we might as well say good bye to Earth.

Hope you guys have learn't something from this, and have understood the gravity of the situation. On this note, I would like you to reflect on this and have a good day.

For more information on Bhutan, you can:

Visit this URL ""

My new book- It all started with a flashback