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Monday 23 May 2016

IMWAYR- 23-05-16

Hey guys! 

I have recently heard of IMWAYR from another blogger and I decided to participate in the young adult/ teen version of "It's Monday, what are you reading?". I didn't get much time to read this week, as our year-end exams were happening, but I did manage to finish the book-"The fault in our Stars", by John Green.

I loved the book a lot, and I am deciding to write a review on it, this week, or the one following it. Do look out for a review!

However, I am currently stuck at my reading status. I am uncertain of which books to read and am debating if it would be a good read. I am browsing a lot now days, but it would be great if you guys could give some suggestions in the comment section below- it would mean a lot to me. Also, I can read just about anything, as long as it is a good read, from fiction to non fiction, so don't hesitate to give some suggestions! 

Hope you have a good week!

Check out Unleashing Readers, and Teacher Mentor Texts the blogs that host this meme.


  1. There are so many great books out, old and new. You could read another of John Green's books. A recent one I enjoyed is Burn, Baby, Burn by Meg Medina, & one that many are loving is Pax by Sara Pennypacker. Hope you find one that you like!

  2. Thanks for the suggestions! I'll be sure to keep them in mind!!!
    Thank you!

  3. I just read Burn Baby Burn - a fantastic read! Also, have you read Andrew Smith? Winger is one of my favourite YA reads! I also LOVE LOVE LOVE anything by Gary D Schmidt. You can't go wrong with this author.

  4. It really is! I'll be sure to experiment on his books....
    Thanks for stopping!


Hey guys! I absolutely love reading your comments and suggestions- So don't hesitate to do so!

My new book- It all started with a flashback