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Friday, 22 July 2016

Goodreads 2016 reading challenge

Hey guys! Today I'm here with a post on The Goodreads 2016 reading challenge. It's basically a annual challenge held by Goodreads, to motivate reader's to read more books. All you have to do is pledge a certain number of books that you want to achieve by the end of the year, and you are ready to go! Every time you start a book, you have to enter it on Goodreads, and it would add it on to your challenge!

I think it is a great way of exploring books, cherishing them, and recording them. Scroll down, and you can find my progress on the challenge so far, and do let me know how many books you have read and what you think  about the challenge, in the comment section below!
I would recommend all of you guys to register, and if you do want to register, you can click on the link above... What are you waiting for?

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