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Thursday, 21 July 2016

My new project...

Hey guys! I am back with a new post! This one is about a new project that I am working on. But first I want to tell you guys about some more interesting things...

Firstly I want you guys to know that I love community service! My first motivation towards doing it is a program followed in our school known as IGCA and the GCA.
The "Global Citizens Award" was first introduced to us in primary school- it was a award where we had to reflect on all our events, and recall what we did to make a world a better place. It was a simple, but a rather creative idea...

The "International Global Citizen's Award" was first introduced to us in middle school. It was initiated by "Mr. Boyd Roberts", and promotes the IGCA world wide. In the IGCA program, we have to implement our learnings and make a change. From there came in the aspect of community service. I am currently doing the silver program, which requires one to do at least 16 hour's of community service. It is a great platform for engaging a student into doing something better for the world, one tiny step at a time...

The projects that our taken up vary a lot, from making an NGO, to educating people with less resources.
In my project, I helped in building a library for kids in a government school. It was truly a great experience, from waiting tirelessly for books for donation, to spending some more time cataloging them, talking and interacting with the kids and engaging them, but still just moving one tiny step forward...  

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My new book- It all started with a flashback